
Copyfish – 下載 Firefox 擴充套件(zh

評分 4.0 (173) · 免費 · 下載Firefox 上的Copyfish。Do you need to extract text from images, videos or PDF? If yes, then the Copyfish free OCR software is for you.

Copyfish Free OCR Software

Copyfish turns text within any image captured from your screen into an editable format without retyping – making it easy to reuse in digital documents, emails ...

Copyfish Free OCR Software

Copy, paste and translate text from any image, video or PDF. Do you need to extract text from images, videos or PDF?

A9T9Copyfish: Copy, paste and translate text from images ...

Copy, paste and translate text from images or videos with this free OCR software Chrome extension. Do you need to copy and paste text from images or videos?

Copyfish - Free OCR Software

Copy, paste and translate text from any image, video or PDF. Do you need to extract text from images, videos or PDF? If yes, then the Copyfish free OCR ...

How to use Copyfish Free OCR Software for Chrome and Firefox

You can copy text from any image by right-clicking on it. If your mouse is on top of an image the Copyfish Get text from image option will show.

Copyfish Free OCR Software for Chrome, Firefox and Edge

The Copyfish Screenshot Reader turns text within any image captured from your screen into an editable format without retyping – making it easy to reuse in ...

Copyfish 驚奇Chrome 套件複製圖片影片內中文字!

而前幾天我看到國外網站推薦了一款更好的同類工具:「 Copyfish Fresh OCR Software 」,他的辨識效果更流暢優異,支援讀出網頁圖片、 PDF 甚至是影片內的 ...

Pull Text OCR with CopyFish

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.


評分4.0(173)·免費·下載Firefox上的Copyfish。Doyouneedtoextracttextfromimages,videosorPDF?Ifyes,thentheCopyfishfreeOCRsoftwareisforyou.,Copyfishturnstextwithinanyimagecapturedfromyourscreenintoaneditableformatwithoutretyping–makingiteasytoreuseindigitaldocuments,emails ...,Copy,pasteandtranslatetextfromanyimage,videoorPDF.Doyouneedtoextracttextfromimages,videosorPDF?,Copy,pasteandtranslatetextfr...